There is a quote attributed to Maya Angelou that says "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." As I was writing this post, I found another saying that fits the bill saying "Time is measured in minutes, but Life is measured in moments."
Oh how I wish I could bottle a moment. I was sharing this with my prayer partner recently.
This season of life for me is so hectic, so erratic, that when the Lord presents a moment of peace and tranquility, I try everything I can to savor it completely. Oddly enough, I even want to bottle the hectic, the intensity, and the appointments. Why? Because I know that one day there won't be any appointments, and those appointments on my calendar represent people.
Right now my hands are very full looking after my property, my job at the parish and all its people, my family, including mom, and my friends . Mom just turned 87 this Summer and I have the privilege of accompanying her to doctor appointments and the Friday shopping.
We finally have a system for the shopping. We go Friday morning, first thing. Usually an 8:00AM departure time. We finally landed on this after experiencing the joy of a Wal-Mart in the late afternoon hours of a Friday. Those were such lousy experiences that it hurts me to type it.
Late Friday afternoons mean that the aisles are full of people, and all the handicap scooters are dead or dying. Add the heat of the day and the extra traffic and you have the recipe for heartache and disappointment.
We learned, we grew, we changed our schedule. Now we have it down to a science. 8:00AM departure, we hit our two or three stores, then fill up the car with gas at Costco.
Life is really about the small victories, and the savory moments.
It's weird how little moments can refresh and renew your spirit. A great song coming over the airwaves in the grocery store. Throwing a ball for my gal Gracie (my golden retriever). A 3 minute sit down on the covered back porch with a cup of coffee. A peaceful Mass. A funny exchange with my mom in Wal-Mart. Stopping in my tracks to view a sunset from my own backyard. This is my world, and I love it.
I don't have the margin for long relaxing days, sleeping in, visits with friends, or recreation. What I do have is an appreciation for what a blessing those things are, and for every little moment that I do get to savor.
Lord, help me to bottle the moments you give me. Help me to see you in the hectic and erratic. Help me to operate in your Holy Spirit, and to let you take control of my calendar and memory so that the moments I have are the moments and memories I'll need to carry me through my journey. In the name of our Savior Jesus, amen.

Nice post, my friend. What a beautiful expression of seeing and trusting in God’s providence and His care. God bless you and your sweet family.