It's been said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I've also heard the great wisdom of..."How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time".
These sayings are probably good counsel for me today. Three exciting things have happened for me in the last few weeks, and now I'm trying to sprint to results.
First - My Logo is back!

Fifteen years ago, my friend Jerry Fink created a fantastic logo for me and helped me get established with things like business cards, my first cd design, etc. My website came with a free logo that I've been using for a few years, but I never loved it like my original. I reached out to Jerry to see if he still had the source file, and he was able to quickly reproduce it and get it to me. I am so excited!
Second - The studio is done. Meaning, it is completed! Alleluia! Since I moved to this property last Thanksgiving, my son Mike and I have worked hard at getting our studio painted, carpeted and ready to work. Throughout the last year, I have felt like the space was in some small percentage of completion. I'm the type of person that needs a tidy space to work and relax, otherwise my mind can't let go of what needs to be done. Example...I get a thought that "I'm going to finish the song I started a few months ago." As I start working on the song my brain interrupts me with "Excuse me Greg, you should unpack the 17 boxes in the studio closet now."
Rats, my brain is right.
Solution - On my vacation two weeks ago, I took four days and completely finished the studio. I hung forty cable hooks and sorted and organized ALL the cables by type and length. I bought a new (used) desk that I love! I unpacked all the boxes of gear, organized the closet, purchased and hung curtains, and created a place for everything. I will do a studio walkthrough video in the next few weeks. Everything that needed to be done, is done!!! Thank you Jesus!
Third - The point of getting established is to finally get some new music out! Over the last several weeks I have been organizing old song ideas and writing out new and old songs. I am working right now on a song I wrote last year called "Faithful and True". It is in the production phase, meaning I am tracking the song and working with a couple of friends to get the song completed. When it is done in a few weeks, we will celebrate by giving you a free download of the song!
Wonderful things are happening. Big huge elephant projects are getting done, one step, er, bite at a time. My brain is sprinting with creativity and energy. I am so looking forward to sharing more with you in the next few weeks.
I'll see you down the road! Greg
